A tough and impressive boss, the cock (068)
A cock is the boss over a hareem of hens. This proud stately creature was once a tough independent bird. How he...
A cock is the boss over a hareem of hens. This proud stately creature was once a tough independent bird. How he...
Butterflies are a symbol of freedom and colour. The atalanta is a dark brown butterfly with striking small white...
When I’m out rowing on a summer’s day I enjoy looking at the wild flowers growing in the banks. The clear blue...
Animals adapt to their circumstances. Some creatures, like the snail, take this to extremes. So as not to dry out...
Every gardener welcomes a song thrush into his garden, because it readily devours so many snails. If you watch...
Chaque jardinier apprécie la présence de la grive musicienne dans son jardin parce qu’elle dévore beaucoup...
Jeder Gärtner freut sich wenn eine Singdrossel seinen Garten besucht, da sie viele Schnecken verspeist. Wenn man...
Une petite fille se promena avec sa grand-mère dans la prairie. Sa grand-mère lui raconta souvent des histoires sur...
Ein Mädchen lief mit ihrer Großmutter durch das offene Land. Großmutter erzählte ihr oft Kurzgeschichten über die...